Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ready or Not, Here I go!

Well here I sit with a new post again and we shall see if I actually post it or not! I keep reading a ton of friends blogs and feel inspired to start my own. . I have been feeling a bit jealous of some of you for things that you do and that starts to make me feel like a failure or makes me feel like I'm not good enough. I have a lot of aspirations in life and because of a downward spiral affect don't feel confident that I can achieve them! I'm tired of feeling this way and want to start  being the kickass person I KNOW I can be and AM! Lets start with listing my goals and see where it goes from there!

Current Goals:
  • Do my daily chores EVERY day! (I'm kind of lazy and my house is NOT a disaster, but I am determined to do more than I have been!)
  • Talk to a Dr. about my emotional issues and get emotionally "FIT"
  • Lose 25 Lbs By February 1, 2012 (That's just 1 pound per week! I would ultimately like to try to lose 2 Lbs a week.)
  • Finish my New York Institute of Photography: Professional Course by February 2013 (I technically have until December 2013 to finish it but I want to finish before my deadline!)
  • Find "real" friends, that won't belittle me or put me down. (I know this one sounds petty but for me its a big deal. I have had trouble finding and keeping real friends in the past which gets me down on myself, whether it is something that I am doing or not doing. This may be part of my emotional issues which I will work on!)

I can't gaurauntee that I will be a committed blogger, but I hope to try! Please post comments, advice, questions or anything you think may help me along this path! I appreciate your reading this and follow me if you want!