Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ready or Not, Here I go!

Well here I sit with a new post again and we shall see if I actually post it or not! I keep reading a ton of friends blogs and feel inspired to start my own. . I have been feeling a bit jealous of some of you for things that you do and that starts to make me feel like a failure or makes me feel like I'm not good enough. I have a lot of aspirations in life and because of a downward spiral affect don't feel confident that I can achieve them! I'm tired of feeling this way and want to start  being the kickass person I KNOW I can be and AM! Lets start with listing my goals and see where it goes from there!

Current Goals:
  • Do my daily chores EVERY day! (I'm kind of lazy and my house is NOT a disaster, but I am determined to do more than I have been!)
  • Talk to a Dr. about my emotional issues and get emotionally "FIT"
  • Lose 25 Lbs By February 1, 2012 (That's just 1 pound per week! I would ultimately like to try to lose 2 Lbs a week.)
  • Finish my New York Institute of Photography: Professional Course by February 2013 (I technically have until December 2013 to finish it but I want to finish before my deadline!)
  • Find "real" friends, that won't belittle me or put me down. (I know this one sounds petty but for me its a big deal. I have had trouble finding and keeping real friends in the past which gets me down on myself, whether it is something that I am doing or not doing. This may be part of my emotional issues which I will work on!)

I can't gaurauntee that I will be a committed blogger, but I hope to try! Please post comments, advice, questions or anything you think may help me along this path! I appreciate your reading this and follow me if you want!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you realize what an inspiration you are to me. You are always full of energy, your love for your children is immeasurable and your loyalty to your family is steadfast. I'm happy to read that you will put some of your attention on you - because if you are not happy, how can you project the "happiness" aura? Please give yourself credit, and never give up. Love you, Lana
